Patio Door Lock Security
One of the things that many home owners and apartment renters tend to ignore when it comes to the security of their home is the patio door locks. Statistics have shown that many residential break-in incidents occur through the first floor of a home whether if its an apartment or a house. With that being said, patio doors would normally be considered as an easy target. Not only because it is a point of entry in the back of the home where it is less visible, but also because there is no significant lock protection to properly secure the doors.
One of the first things to consider when thinking of increasing the security of your home from the back side would be the patio door locks. It is very common on older homes where the patio entrance would be equipped with a sliding glass door that is only secured by a latch and not an actual lock. Although it does offer some sort of protection, but not as much to prevent an intruder that can come with a crow bar and pry it open.
There are few solutions that can be implemented such as clamp locks for example. These types of locks will usually be installed on the top or bottom track of the sliding patio door. In cases where these locks can be installed on the actual door, a key would be available as well for the user's convenience. This type of lock requires a professional installation in which most locksmith companies would be able to do. The second type of lock on the list would be a foot lock. These types of locks would normally be located on the bottom track and are operated by a pedal that controls the locking mechanism hence the name foot lock.
Another way to increase the security of your patio door is using a Charley Bar. These types of bars are excellent to reinforce the doors when you are away or during the night. They would normally be used as an added security or a backup in case the door lock will fail. In case where the lock has failed or was damaged due to a break-in attempt, the bar which extends from one end of the track to another will prevent the door from sliding.
For more information about sliding door locks visit us Premier NorthWest Locksmith Portland.