Waffer Reading

11/12/2014 10:06

boise-locksmith-fordAs a locksmith technician, throughout the years in the field, I found that a decent light source was needed for me in order to read the wafers in a Ford 10-cut door lock, especially those which are difficult to take off of the door. I have tried many types of lights to help read the wafers, but none of them seemed to work as well for me. However, one day when I was at a gun store, I found a light source that is manufactured by Browning and is used to look down through the barrels of guns. 

locksmith-boise-door-lockThe light has an "L" shaped lexan light that I filed down to a tip which will fit straight into the top of the keyway of Ford door locks. It even holds the shutter open, and it lights up the entire keyway. Spending the $20 for the complete light is not really necessary if you feel there is no need to, you can just buy the bulb for about $2 and use the rubber tip of a spark plug wire and fit the other end of the rubber over your own MAG light. This simple light source made it easier on me to quickly make keys for these locks by sight reading the wafers. It also saved a lot of time trying to remove the lock from the actual door in order to decode it.

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